Guest blog by Mary
Dorrell, Norfolk Federation of Women’s Institutes, PA Chair
On September 17th
the first ever WI meeting in the Houses of Parliament took place. The meeting launched
a major new publication reflecting on the WI’s history and its members’ views
on some of the UK’s biggest social issues, as part of the “Parliament in the
Making” season celebrating the Magna Carta.
A WI meeting needs
a cake and I had the privilege of baking Julie Clarke's (North Yorkshire Federation)
winning centenary recipe for the occasion.
The whole process
set me thinking about the WI's history of Resolutions and Campaigns. You see,
when I look at the ingredients assembled, I remember that the WI is synonymous
with good food and its preparation. This theme has been a regular theme in
resolutions and debates, for example, in 1955 the NFWI passed a resolution that welcomed “the
Clean Food Bill now before Parliament. They pledge themselves to maintain a
high standard of cleanliness in their own homes and to demand it in public
places especially at Women’s Institute gatherings.” And with ingredients coming from UK, EU,
Commonwealth and USA, I am reminded that the “Great Food Debate” is truly
global and that the WI has long sought International understanding and
co-operation, as in 1921when an early resolution declared: “That this
meeting urges all Women’s Institutes and County Federations within the National
Federation to encourage the study of the principles underlying the League of Nations.”
Not all the ingredients are easy to source in Norfolk and I remember the
regional differences and diversity we celebrate within the WI. The pinhead
currants: familiar to Lancashire and Yorkshire members had to be researched and
sourced online.
When I look at the butter, I remember “Mission Milk” and the need to “Support British Dairy”. Find out more about the campaign here.
All the ingredients
make me remember our COOL campaign for clear country of origin food labelling: “The meeting urges HM government to introduce
clear and mandatory country of origin labelling on all meat, poultry and fish
products sold in this country.” Submitted by Bengeo Evening WI,
Hertfordshire Federation in June 2010
I look at the
candied peel and cherries and I have to decide how finely to chop them up. Is
many and smaller always better? I remember the eight Millennium
Development Goals we made members aware of through our Women reaching Women initiative.
Later this month, 25th September to 27th September a United Nations Summit will launch the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Is this too fine?
Project Everyone, founded by Richard Curtis has the simple but mighty ambition to share
the global goals with 7 billion people in 7 days. You may have read
about this in Emma Freud's column in the Telegraph.
Is Goal 5, “Achieve
gender equality and empower all women and girls”, going to be effective? Will past gains in
moving women into equality, as well as out of poverty, be allowed to regress or
be restored and strengthened?
I remember our 1999 resolution on Women’s Human Rights “This
meeting deplores the fact that women’s human rights continue to be violated
worldwide and calls upon the governments of the world to adhere to the
commitments made at the Fourth UN Convention on Women 1995, ‘that women’s human
rights are an inalienable, integral and indivisible part of universal human
rights’ and to implement policies to this end.”
Now the tin
must be prepared and when I look at it I remember that all legislation, just
like baking a cake requires a lot of prior investigation, calculations and
A lot of White
Paper(s) are involved and the whole thing is wrapped around with
In the WI we
like to put just as much work into preparing our resolutions, and as I finally
begin to mix everything together I remember how a resolution is assembled. The
individual parts have to be investigated, collated and are ready to be put
During the
summer it must be collated and passed at local level. Off to short-listing ….
will it rise and be in the short-list, or even make it to the AM for voting?
Where will our
campaigning take us next? Will we continue as cake bakers and trouble makers
(or as the Guardian had us: “pleasingly bolshie”)?
Maybe our inspiration will
come from Africa and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf (President of Liberia): “The size of your dreams must always exceed
your current capacity to achieve them. If your dreams do not scare you, they
are not big enough.”
More information about the report can be found here:
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ReplyDeleteWell done Mary